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Produced by Easy Languages GmbH

Easy Languages is an international video project aiming at supporting people worldwide in learning languages through authentic street interviews. Our videos also give an opportunity to gain insight into cultural and social phenomena of different countries and peoples around the world. Our episodes are produced in different languages and include subtitles in both the original language of each video and in English. We also produce videos in easy and slower language for beginners, podcasts in the different languages of the project and additional learning material to provide a broader learning experience for anyone interested!

πŸ”Έ You can listen to many other languages on the Easy Languages channel! 🀩
πŸ”Ή Do you want to be part of the project too?! 🎬 πŸ‘‰
πŸ”Έ You can find more information on our website! 🌎 πŸ‘‰
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Host: Leon van Wijk
Camera: Mario Tedesco
Edit: Timothy HΓΆfte Diaz
Subtitles: Tim and Mario

#learndutch #easydutch #easylanguages

15 gedachten over “Unknown Places in the Netherlands Revealed by the Dutch! | Easy Dutch 67”
  1. Eindhoven???? Maastricht kan ik begrijpen, of Groningen, of Deventer/Zwolle/Kampen. maar Eindhoven?? De waddeneilanden zijn ook prachtig. En Den Haag natuurlijk. Drenthe, de kop van overijssel, Hattem…

  2. Een tip voor de mensen die naar Den Bosch gaan – ga zeker met een bootje varen. Dat is ZEKER EEN AANRADER ☺ ! Dank je wel Easy Dutch team

  3. I'm living in Den Bosch now for several months as an exchange student and I really love it. Honestly there's not much to do but it's a nice environment to live in and walk around

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